“How do paragliders work?” is one of the most common questions we are asked by those trying the sport for the first time, and need some reassurance. It’s actually one of the simplest forms of flight, a pastime which is enjoyable, accessible and rewarding to learn.
The Science of Paragliding Flight
Paragliders work by leveraging lift, and having the right ratio of lift to drag. The wing creates a force perpendicular to the air which flows over it, and also against the forces of drag. The wing is designed to leverage lift by deflecting air from the top of the wing towards the center and airflow on the bottom of the wing towards the far edges. Together these forces create lift.
The pilot is suspended below in a harness, where they operate a series of lines to control steering, speed, braking, stablizers, and risers. Paragliders leverage suitable air currents and thermals for gliding and speed. Drag is leveraged for braking, sudden steering and landing.

A paraglider launch happens on the ground by filling the wing full of air. The most common way to launch a paraglider is the front launch. This involved the wing being spread out on the ground behind the pilot, who then runs off a steep hill or cliff into an airstream. Paragliding enthusiasts will describe the feeling of takeoff as one of the most exciting feelings.
In stronger winds, a pilot will often choose to perform a reverse launch. This involves spreading out the wing on the ground in front of the pilot. Little running is required, the pilot may take some steps backwards and pull the wing into the air, using the wind to quickly inflate the wing. A successful paraglider launch will glide smoothly into the air like a plane, and not involve the pilot hopping off the ground.
Thermals are critical for making paragliders work. Thermals are produced by the sun-warmed Earth which creates warm air which rises. One way of leveraging the thermals is to launch off the side of a steep hill or cliff, using the thermals which are pushed up the hill or cliff-face. High mountain ridges often have a higher thermal density and when mixed with the stronger winds, can take experienced paragliders long distances across higher altitudes.

However when wind has to move over an obstruction, such as a ridge or even a large building, turbulence can occur. It’s ideal to plan a paragliding flight beforehand, and also monitor variables which can indicate dangerous or changing conditions such as vertical speed, relative altitude, actual altitude, air temperature and air speed, with a variometer and GPS.
Key Parts of a Paraglider
Most modern paragliders use a style of wing which is known as the ‘Ram Air Airfoil’. These look similar to a parachute, but have been purposely designed to achieve greater manoeuvrability in areas such as steering, gliding, and greater control in descent. The wing is often made from rip-stop nylon, with nylon mesh on the inner side. The inner side contains a series of cells which aid the capturing of air.
A series of lines run from the wing to the pilot’s harness below. These lines not only join the two together, but also enable the pilot to control the paraglider. The brake lines control the back edge of the wing (the trailing edge). These can not only slow down the paraglider, they’re also used for steering. The B-lines and C-lines are used to stabilize the front and rear of the paraglider, particularly in takeoff and when encountering turbulence. The A-lines control the front edge (the leading edge) of the wing and can be adjusted to alter speed. The A-lines are usually controlled by a ‘Speed Bar’ which pulls the A-lines down.
While these parts are consistent, there are many types of paragliders, each with small differences depending on the pilot’s experience and the type of flight being undertaken.